What if he gets eaten by the working class?
Can we all stop discussing it and just do it? I got the sweet baby Ray’s ready, I’m a vegetarian but I’ll take bite of the billionaire just to show my commitment
Action requires organization. Organization requires communication. Communication is controlled by the owning class, and stifled when the wrong conversations start.
If you are vegetarian bcs of environmental/animal reasons - good news, it’s actually “super vegetarian” to eat the rich :D
For everyone to get a bit of Bezos we have introduced Bezos Biscuits ™, now with 4 new flavors: heart, liver, kidney and the most requested testicles.
Green Bezos Biscuits™ is not people!
Ah yes the green variant is vegan friendly, it’s the red one that’s certified made from Bezos, there’s like half a gram Bezos in each packet.
(No, not like that - I’m saying Bezos isn’t people.)
(Also the green is a reference to Soylent of the same color)
Knowing your limits is respectable.
A llama?!? He was supposed to be dead!
I’m glad experts agree on the important part.
That entirely depends on how Amazon’s stocks prices handles him being eaten by a Whale.